

Roles and Responsibility of QA/QC Engineer

Hi friends, today i would like to tell you something about roles and responsibility of QA/QC Engineer. QA and QC are two different terms which shows Quality Assurance and Quality Control. This two are different responsibilities and can be own by a one or more person at execution site.

So lets we start understanding the responsibility and roles played by this two designation.

Roles and Responsibility of Quality Assurance;-

Quality Assurance it self tell us that, this position assure the better quality product during all stages of work. To assure the better quality of product he need to make a Project Specific Quality Plan (PQP).

To make a PQP one should need to understand the following thing 
  1. What kind of project it is?
  2. What methods of work going to be applied at that project? ( Example: shuttering method is conventional shuttering or Aluminum formwork like Mivan or any other)
  3. What are the expectation of Client / Customer from this project.
  4. Specifications / Codes applicable for the project.
Ones he knows all above things he can make a Project Specific Quality Plan.

PQP must include the following things:
* Work procedures for all activities which are finalized.
* Checklists for all activities to have a record of work done is as per procedure or not.
*  Inspection and Test Plan for Materials which shows frequency of testing, test which need to be carried out, place of conducting the tests and there acceptance limits as per the specifications or codes.
*Inspection and Test plan for activities : should include the level of process checking, there frequency and there acceptable limits for each activity.

So when you make a Project Specific Quality Plan you have completed the first responsibility of QA Engineer.

Civil engineering is field where improvements in products and process through advancement of application tools or other changes are tend to happen over a period of time.

so second responsibility of QA Engineer is, when there is a change in process or improvement is made. he need to make a work procedure for that activity and should get it approved from the higher authority for implementation at site. 
To implement the new methodology at site, he should provide the training to staff and workmen through mock- up and sample works. 

At the time of issuing revised procedure, he need to ensure all old procedure were taken back from engineers.

So when you make a procedure for a particular activity, get it approved from appropriate level of authority and deploy it at site through orientation / mock- up. You have successful done your second responsibility at site.  

For complete article click on below link.

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