

Defects in Concrete and its Causes - Bugholes (Air surface voids)

Bugholes on vertical faces are normally caused by air bubbles, but occasionally by water entrapped between the concrete mass and the form, especially in sticky or stiff concrete mixtures of low workability which may have an excessive sand and/or entrapped air content. Also, the use of vibrators of too large an amplitude or the lack of complete insertion of the vibrator head may result in increased air-void formation. 

[Image: 21algux.jpg]

Air voids vary in size from microscopic to about 1 in. (25 mm). Rarely will water create bugholes on formed surfaces. Excess water normally manifests itself in other textural defects such as bleeding channels or sand streaks on vertical formed surfaces. Bleed water voids can form at the top of a column and on battered formed surfaces.

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