

How to do Concrete during rain

Placing concrete during rain. 

a) Do not start placing concrete during rain storm. 

b) If rain starts while concrete placing is in progress, take the following precautions: 

• Place the concrete at a slightly lower slump. 
• Dry the puddles of water collected on the foundation or old concrete in the joint before new concrete is placed. 
• Cover the working area with tarpaulins and keep them in place till the concrete has set. 
• Keep the surface of the new concrete on a slight slope so that water will run off 
• Avoid working the surface of the new concrete. After the concrete reaches grade, provide a slight slope, if feasible for drainage. 
• If the rain is so heavy that it is not possible to dry up the puddles or keep the rain from washing the surface, discontinue work. The inspector should consult his supervisor regarding the placing of bulkheads and dowels and making a joint. 

c) During thunderstorms of short duration, cover the forms with a temporary cover and suspend work until the storm passes. 

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