

Durability of concrete

A concrete which performs satisfactorily in the environment during its anticipated exposure condition in its service is said to be durable one. The materials and mix proportions specified and used should be such as to maintain its integrity and if applicable to protect embedded steel from corrosion. 

The main characteristics influencing the durability of concrete is its permeability to the ingress of water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, chloride, sulphates and other potentially deleterious substances. Impermeable concrete is governed by constituents of concrete and workmanship in making concrete. In normal conditions with normal weight aggregates a suitable low permeability can be achieved by having an adequate cement content, low w/c ratio, ensuring complete compaction and by adequate curing. 

The factors influencing durability are 
• the environment 
• the cover to embedded steel 
• the type and quality of constituent materials 
• the cement content and w/c ratio used 
• workmanship to obtain full compaction 
• adequate curing and shape of the member. 

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